These days ( Shenzhen Hometech Technology Co., Limited ) we were checking the news and related informations on flash technology and analysing the trend of flash market.
Here we would like to share what we think with you.
3D flash technology is developing faster then we expected in 2018,yield rate (good product rate) keeping increasing to 80% in Samsung,Toshiba/ Western Digital and Micron/Intel.
It was beleived the date could climb to 90% in Micron/Intel.
That means costs of wafer is dropping sharply these months.
In 2018,mainstream of flash technology is 3D 64 layers or 72 layers,now 3D 96 layers could be the mainstream in this year,which means cost dropping and turnover increasing.
Also,these gaints manufacturers are facing competitive changelling from chinese rivals,which are supporting by chinese government.
They tend to cut profits and beat the newcomers.
New iPhone and smart phones of samsung seems didn’t attract customers as usually as before,declined demand of nand flash may also cause price drop in the coming months.
Take above factors into consideration,we think there is high possibility flash prices keep dropping or at least stable.
1. If you are negotiating with customers for big orders,It's better put small margins to get the deal first.
2. Big stock is not recommended.
Please check the China flash market trends charts as below;
These days ( Shenzhen Hometech Technology Co., Limited ) we were checking the news and related informations on flash technology and analysing the trend of flash market.
Here we would like to share what we think with you.
3D flash technology is developing faster then we expected in 2018,yield rate (good product rate) keeping increasing to 80% in Samsung,Toshiba/ Western Digital and Micron/Intel.
It was beleived the date could climb to 90% in Micron/Intel.
That means costs of wafer is dropping sharply these months.
In 2018,mainstream of flash technology is 3D 64 layers or 72 layers,now 3D 96 layers could be the mainstream in this year,which means cost dropping and turnover increasing.
Also,these gaints manufacturers are facing competitive changelling from chinese rivals,which are supporting by chinese government.
They tend to cut profits and beat the newcomers.
New iPhone and smart phones of samsung seems didn’t attract customers as usually as before,declined demand of nand flash may also cause price drop in the coming months.
Take above factors into consideration,we think there is high possibility flash prices keep dropping or at least stable.
1. If you are negotiating with customers for big orders,It's better put small margins to get the deal first.
2. Big stock is not recommended.
Please check the China flash market trends charts as below;